Returning from my vacation - FEELING GOOD AND GRATEFUL

Did you know that the emotions of Love and Appreciation are some of the highest vibrations?
Focusing on what you truly love and appreciate is the quickest way to shift your mood and elevate your energy.
I have Good & Proper news for you !
When I realized that my relationship with the universe is much the same as any other relationship I started playing the gratitude game.
We can be grateful for all that we have and we can also be grateful for all that we dream of having at the same time .
When I started living in gratitude , actually learning to live IN IT , massive shifts started to occur .
I would visualize wanting a healthier body , I would visualize a vacation in mexico ( I also wrote that on a gratitude list ) and really felt how that would feel based on previous holidays I have had in the past , meditating ( closing my eyes and imagining ) on that picture and feeling the feelings that I may or may not of had before .
When you purchase the oils you will recieve a complimentary Manetra™ Meditation to help you to start doing this for yourself whilst nourishing your hair and scalp at the same time .
The times in which I really FEEL THE FEELINGS of grattitude the universe has always without fail aligned so many things for me to easily access and start getting that healthy body.
Then I'm grateful , then the cycle continues again until things get good and we forget to LIVE IN the gratitude . I am more aware now if I go a little off course, its obvious to me .
It's an old saying " Believe it , to see it " but I believe it to be true because I have experienced countless things when I practice .
When I started repeating " I FEEL GOOD AND GRATEFUL " many times a day I started to feel better and experience more peace in every area of my life .